Winter in Vienna

There hasn’t been a lot of snow in Vienna this season. We didn’t even have the white Christmas we’ve all been longing for. So, when these few snowflakes decided to cover the city, they were more than welcome. Here are some photos of Vienna, taken this January, some of them with and some without snow.

First, the beginning of the year in Prater; during the first week of the year, the Wintermarkt still took place, with beautifully arranged booths offering food, drinks, souvenirs and sweets.



Winter is somehow very nice, with or without snow. The air is cold and crisp, and everything looks sharper and clearer. The sky is bright blue and the sunset has all the beautiful colours, from pink to dark blue. However, even the smallest amounts of snow make a difference; it somehow makes the city noise quieter and everything looks, well, white and romantic.

Here is a photo of Stephansdom.


Just a short walk away – the Hofburg.


And, finally, one of the most romantic places in Vienna – Spittelberg, in the 7th District of Neubau. Known for its narrow streets and artistic shops, during the Advent time it is full of people who frequent its Adventmarkt, one of the most popular in Vienna. However, the booths are removed by the beginning of the January and it again becomes a peaceful and quiet neighbourhood.


I know it’s cold and it can be unpleasant, but try to enjoy this time of year… It’s beautiful!

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